A Decade in the Dark
December 31st, 2009For the past few weeks I’ve been trying to wrap my head around Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Schrödinger’s cat, and the death of Brittany Murphy. I need a break, so here’s just a list of my favorite movies from this waning decade, 2000-2009, in roughly chronological order. Oh, wait, this is an art blog. Fine. Ahem. Here are outstanding films in recent cinematic history. Better?!? By the way, I thought I’d juxtapose these flicks with sociopolitical events that may have shaped them but, really, I’m tired. So here we go….
Memento (2000) – The temporal thing is all wonky, like in Pulp Fiction, The Usual Suspects, and Go, so you’ve got to see it at least twice. I was going to write that this means you get to see Joey Fatone die not once, but twice, but I just realized it was Larry Holden who played the doomed Jimmy, not our old drumming friend. Oh, well. At least it co-stars Carrie-Anne Moss…. I loved how she took it personally that a guy with Anterograde Amnesia couldn’t remember sleeping with her.
Donnie Darko (2001) – Ah, distinctly I remember the first time I couldn’t pronounce Jake Gyllenhaalalllall’s name. And that was one freaky bunny. Anyanka was right about those bunnies.
The Rules of Attraction (2002) – F’ing brilliant casting. Take every squeaky clean actor you can think of and have them hook up or shoot heroin betwixt their toes. Sublime.
The Matrix: Reloaded (2003) – Because they don’t know you really, really meant it until you reload. And it’s got not only Carrie-Anne Moss, but Monica Bellucci! Can I get an amen?!?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) – Thought I loved Kate Winslet after Titanic. This sealed the deal. She’s every crazy girlfriend you had in college.
The Incredibles (2004) – “Everyone’s special, Dash…. Which is another way of saying no one is.” I loved it. I am not being ironic.
Hotel Rwanda (2005) – Sniff. I’m a sucker for the true stories.
Serenity (2005) – aka “The Firefly Movie.” You say you know Firefly but didn’t watch the DVD?!? Talk to the hand. The pilot never even aired!
Sin City (2005) – Mickey Rourke’s career comeback is second only to Travolta’s. And the rest of the cast: Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, Benicio Del Toro, Carla Gugino, Clive Owen and, of course, Brittany Murphy. I mean, come on!
Casino Royale (2006) – Daniel Craig is James Bond! Sean Connery’s edge, Steve McQueen’s eyes, and… my hair.
Juno (2007) – Because nerds rule.
The Dark Knight (2008) – Lived up to the hype. Heath Ledger had a leading man’s charisma, but what a character actor! An unequivocally brilliant performance. And co-starred another Gyllennhhallalllll.
Notice that there was nothing from 2009. Avatar? You mean “Dances with Wolves in District 9”? I hear “Nefes: Vatan sagolsun” was good but where can you see it? I really liked “Star Trek” but obviously the filmmakers were aware that I know everything there is to know about Star Trek and they threw all that softball trivia my way. I will not be pandered to!
Honorable mention goes to Corpse Bride, An Inconvenient Truth, Million Dollar Baby, and V for Vendetta. (And, um, Star Trek.)
Michael Singman-Aste
Postdiluvian Photo
Tags: Brittany Murphy, movies, physics
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