2015 Golden Gear Awards
June 20th, 2015
Michael Singman-Aste. Photo: Douglas Despres (detail)
Rhythmix Cultural Works has announced the nominees for their 2015 Golden Gear Awards, and guess who was nominated in the Arts Educators category?!? THIS guy! =>
It’s a great honor, particularly considering the caliber of the two dozen nominees in the field. Among them, our beloved Poet Laureate Julia Park Tracey; Michael Sturtz, the founder of fire arts studio The Crucible; Art Yowza founder Rebecca Stees; and Vicki Sedlack, Executive Director of the Alameda Education Foundation.
There are two other categories for the awards: Performing Arts and Visual Arts. I’ve had the pleasure of writing about many of the nominated artists previously, including Andrew “Fitz” Fitzpatrick, Ginny Parsons, Jacqueline Cooper, and Wesley Warren.
Votes will be accepted until Tuesday, June 30th at http://rhythmix.org/golden-gear-2015.html. If you’d like to vote for me, thank you. I’m not sure who I’m going to vote for! Winners will be announced at the “Wine, Women & Song Spectacular” on Saturday, August 22.
Michael Singman-Aste
Postdiluvian Photo
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