Nothing More Intimate
March 18th, 2017Nothing is more intimate than preparing food for someone:
It becomes part of them, muscle, bone, skin, sinew
I imagine your shoulders working
muscles powering
your hands transforming food
into an offering
molding crafting fashioning
preparing the food preparing
Eat of this bread it is my body
and shall be yours.
Will you sit back contented watching
watching my eating
or is the nourishment in the sharing
the food not a sculpture but a dance
Will you dance with me arms entwining
placing single morsels on the tongue
a divine secular communion, living hand to mouth.
Lover cannibal unsure where fingers end
where flesh melts into food, when food becomes flesh
consuming and becoming, eating and being eaten
hungry, hungry, ravenous but not greedy
not giving, not taking
sharing partaking
devouring but not destroying.
A kiss ends at the lips, or soon after
But pressing your hands to my lips,
taking them to my mouth, in my mouth
licking my lips, your fingers
do not stifle but
nourish and
sustain me.
©1991 Michael Singman
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