June 20th, 2013
This article appeared in the June 19-25, 2013 issue of SF Weekly. Brandon Reynolds, Managing Editor.
When a favorite book is brought to life in film, and a beloved character given flesh, it’s a shock when the Casting Director’s vision doesn’t jibe with one’s expectations. Did you ever imagine Keanu Reeves as Dracula’s Jonathan Harker, much less as a young Buddha? “Fiction” opens June 22 at Modern Eden Gallery.

Leilani Bustamante, Patrick Bateman from “American Psycho” (left), and Catherine Moore, Mr. Dark from “Something Wicked This Way Comes”

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Michael Singman-Aste
Postdiluvian Photo
Tags: Ahren Hertel, Akira Beard, Albert Ramos, Alec Huxley, Alex DeLarge, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, American Psycho, Amy Minchew, Animal Farm, Anthony Burgess, Apuleius, Bradley Platz, Brett Easton Ellis Something Wicked This Way Comes, Brian Jacques, Brianna Angelakis, Brida O'Fern, Captain Ahab, Captain Nemo, Catherine Moore, Charles Dickens, Charles Perrault, Chris Sedgwick, Christina Lank, Chrystal Chan, Chuck Palahniuk, Clockwork Orange, Coraline, Craig LaRotonda, Crime and Punishment, Damned, Dangerous Angels, Dorian Gray, Edgar Allen Poe, Edith Lebeau, Ender, Francesca Lia Block, Frank Herbert, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, George Orwell, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Glenn Arthur, God Emperor of Dune, Gone With the Wind, Great Expectations, Henry Schreiber, Herman Melville, Italo Calvino, J.M. Barrie, Jasmine Worth, Jaxon Northon, Jules Verne, Kassie McMahon, Lady Macbeth, Lance Hewison, Laura Buss, Lee Harvey Roswell, Leilani Bustamante, Leto II, Lewis Carroll, Little Red Riding Hood, Little White Bird, Lucius, Lysbeth Salander, Madison, Maime, Marcovaldo, Margaret Mitchell, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Matthias, Melissa Morgan, Metamorphoses, Miss Havisham, Mists of Avalon, Moby Dick, Modern Eden Gallery, Morgaine, Mr. Dark, Napoleon, Neil Gaiman, Orlando, Orson Scott Card, Oscar Wilde, Patrick Bateman, Paulo Coelho, Ray Bradbury, Redwall, Robert Bowen, Rodion Raskolnikov, San Francisco, Sandra Yagi, Scarlett O'Hara, Scott Holloway, SF Weekly, Sidharth Chaturvedi, Soey Milk, Stieg Larsson, Tell-Tale Heart, Terry Ribera, The Golden Ass, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Virginia Woolf, William Shakespeare
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